China visit

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China visit

Category : Group News

A new microwave Spectroscopy group has been created at the University of Chongqing by two chinese researchers at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engeering, Qian Gou and Gang Feng. Alberto Lesarri and Jens-Uwe Grabow were invited to visit the lab  in the wonderful Huxi campus in Chongqing last August for the first operations of the new spectrometer. The University of Chongqing was founded in 1929 and comprises 4 campus. Alberto gave a talk reviewing the applications of rotational Spectroscopy to structural Chemistry (August 5th) and a seminar on spectroscopic software tools (August 8th). Excellent hospitality in Chongqing and great future for Spectroscopy in China.


Above, Qian and Alberto at the end of his talk. Below, a view of the Huxi Campus of the University of Chongqing.
