Category Archives: General News

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Cuts on cuts

Category : General News

New stimulus package: The Spanish government cuts one year of funding of all national research projects by decree. Debate on science funding. Guinovart: “…agressive indiference towards Science“.


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Bianual meeting of the Spanish Chemical Society

Category : General News

The next (XXXIV) bianual meeting of the Spanish Society of Chemistry will be held in Santander next September 15-18.

Imagen Bienal 2

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COSCE report on science funding

Category : General News

The cluster of spanish scientific societies (COSCE) presents a report on the decline of science funding


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Dedication of the new Faculty of Sciences

Category : General News

The new building of the faculty of Sciences was dedicated (protesters included) last October 25th.

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Prague meeting

Category : General News

Prague meeting 2 months away