Month: June 2013

Phenol dimer and trimer

Category : New Results!

Rotational spectroscopy expands to larger molecules and clusters. A work in collaboration with the Pate group in Virginia reveals the structure of the phenol dimer and trimer, pinpointing the position of each atom of the cluster. The phenol trimer is a barrel-like symmetric top.


Columbus Symposium

Category : Group News

Our group presented seven contributions to the 68th Ohio State University Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium (MSS) in Columbus. Emilio Cocinero, Patricia Ecija and Estibaliz Mendez (Univ. Basque country) gave oral talks. Next symposium will move from Columbus to Urbana-Champaign.

Below: Iker, Estibaliz, Patricia and Emilio with Jon Hougen at the MSS


Letter for Science (again)

Category : General News

The year we did Literature. A new Letter for Science backed by the Spanish scientific societies, the presidents of Universities and other groups will be presented to the Ministry of Economy next June 14: “The only door left for young scientists is the door of the airport”.

