Month: December 2015

Encounter on Physics

The Faculty of Sciences hosted a new “Encounter on Frontiers of Physics” last December 2-3, 2015, organized by the “Duques de Soria” Foundation, together with the Universities of Valladolid (UVa) and Salamanca (USal). The meeting included seven conferences by different specialists on relativity, neutrinos, magnetism, graphene, Raman spectroscopy and others. José Cernicharo (ICMM – CSIC, Madrid) talked on “Astrochemistry: Chemical complexity in the space”.


In the picture above Pepe Cernicharo addresses the audience in his talk.


Grabow visit

Category : Group News

Jens-Uwe Grabow visited our lab the last weeks of November. Prof. Grabow (Uni. Hannover) is a world expert in rotational spectroscopy. Some of his interests include the relation between Spectroscopy and particle physics, large-amplitude motions, and new spectroscopy techniques. The visit continues a long-standing collaboration with the Hannover group.

Jens_visit2015Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Grabow at the Faculty of Sciences – UVa.