Day: September 8, 2016

Prague meeting 2016

Category : Conferences

Prof. Stepan Urban and his group at the University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague (VSCHT) organized the 2016 edition of the International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy from August 30 to September 3, 2016. Plenary talks included contributions from Cristobal Pérez (now in Schnell‘s group at Hamburg), José L. Alonso and Tim Zwier. The special Ioannes Marcus Marci Session was given by Prof. Richard N. Zare. The next Conference will be organized jointly by the University of Valladolid and the University of Basque country in Bilbao in 2018, with Alberto Lesarri and Emilio J. Cocinero as chairmen.

Below a view of Prague and the entrance to the University of Chemistry and Technology.


And below Alberto presenting the next 2018 Conference to be organized with Emilio J. Cocinero in Bilbao:

China visit

Category : Group News

A new microwave Spectroscopy group has been created at the University of Chongqing by two chinese researchers at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engeering, Qian Gou and Gang Feng. Alberto Lesarri and Jens-Uwe Grabow were invited to visit the lab  in the wonderful Huxi campus in Chongqing last August for the first operations of the new spectrometer. The University of Chongqing was founded in 1929 and comprises 4 campus. Alberto gave a talk reviewing the applications of rotational Spectroscopy to structural Chemistry (August 5th) and a seminar on spectroscopic software tools (August 8th). Excellent hospitality in Chongqing and great future for Spectroscopy in China.


Above, Qian and Alberto at the end of his talk. Below, a view of the Huxi Campus of the University of Chongqing.


Enflurane published

The conformational landscape of enflurane was published in Chemistry – A European Journal. This report closes a series or rotational investigations on volatile and injection anesthetics, including among others sevoflurane, isoflurane and propofol. Enflurane has three distinct rotamers in the gas phase, originated by the internal rotation of the terminal chlorine atom. The presence of hyperfine interations and different isotopologues resulted in a crowded spectrum, as can be observed in the figure below.figure-ethrane-web

Urbana meeting 2016

Category : Conferences

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign organized the 71st edition of the International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, chaired by Prof. Ben McCall. The meeting attracts the most active people and groups in the world doing high resolution molecular spectroscopy. This year several Spanish groups contributed to the meeting, including a plenary talk by Pepe Cernicharo (the meeting program and many presentations are available). Alberto participated with two communications.


A memory to the work of late Prof. Flygare at the Noyes Lab – Univ. Illinois. Below, a partial view of the Urbana-Champaign campus showing the Foellinger Auditorium.
