PCCP cover

A work on the intermolecular cluster pyridine-methane in collaboration with the group of  Walther Caminati has been chosen as cover of PCCP. Methane behaves in the complex as a noble gas, binding on top of the aromatic ring. This T-shape structure contrasts with the in-plane structure of other pyridine clusters involving halomethanes.


ISMS meeting

The International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (ISMS), a landmark for the high-resolution Spectroscopy community, will move to Champaign-Urbana this year (June, 16-20). The meeting follows 68 succesful editions at the Ohio State University (Columbus, OH). Our group collaborates in five communications.

TOC caprolactone version 2

We show in the figure above two conformations observed for the floppy seven-membered ring of caprolactone.

Hannover time

Category : Group News

Montse Vallejo started a research visit to the group of Prof. Jens-Uwe Grabow at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Prof. Grabow’s research has impacted multiple areas in rotational spectroscopy and heads one of the best European labs in this field.

The high-vacuum chamber of a broadband IMPACT-FTMW spectrometer in Hannover is shown below (the lab will be in a temporary location till 2015 because of building renovation).


Cosmological inflation

Category : Cosmology General News

Observations in Antarctica with the BICEP2 experiment measuring the polarization of the cosmic background radiation seem to confirm the model of cosmological inflation and the big bang. The inflationary epoch was a practically instantaneous period of the early universe (10-36 to 10-32 seg after big bang) where the space expanded much faster than the speed of light. If you haven’t read it yet buy inmediately the book by Lawrence M. Krauss “A Universe from nothing” (…with an introduction by Richard Dawkins).

Krauss_universe from nothing



A work in collaboration with the Pate group in Virginia examined the weakly-bound cluster of sevoflurane···benzene ans was published in Angewandte Chemie. The primary interaction is a relatively strong C-H···pi hydrogen bond. The presence of additional C-H···F weak interactions hinders the six-fold symmetric internal rotation of benzene around sevoflurane. This is probably the first time that such a V6 barrier has been determined in a intermolecular complex.



Hamburg talk

Category : Group News

Alberto Lesarri visited the group of “Structure and Dynamics of Cold and Controlled Molecules” headed by Melanie Schnell at the Max-Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter & Center for Free-Electron Laser Science in Hamburg for an invited talk. Melanie’s group recently published chirality detection using MW spectroscopy in Nature and Angewandte Chemie.


J2IFAM meeting over

The VI meeting of young researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics (J2IFAM-2014) organized in Bilbao (January 22-24) is now over. Montse gave a talk on pyridine···freon intermolecular complexes last Thursday 23rd.






GAIA Live Session

Category : General News

Students and Faculty attended a live session to show the launch of the GAIA mission. The details of the mission were explained by Abel Calle, Chairman of the Physics Section, and Cesar García, a Spanish colleague from the ESA. GAIA will produce a star map of our galaxy, reaching well inside the galaxy bulge.


J2IFAM meeting

The VI Meeting of Young Researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics (J2IFAM) will take place in Bilbao along the dates 22-24 January 2014. The J2IFAM meeting is a good opportunity to bring together Ph.D. students and young researchers. From our group Montse Vallejo will be presenting an oral talk.


ISON comet

Category : General News

Nice example of gravitation: The ISON comet reached perihelion last November 28. The coronagraph on board satelite SOHO produced an impressive movie (below) of the comet turning around the sun, soon before it mostly desintegrated.
