75th. Chemistry-UVa

Category : General News

The Faculty of Sciences will organize several events to commemorate the 75 anniversary of the first full Chemistry Degrees at the UVa. Despite the Faculty of Sciences was first established in 1857, it was later reorganized in 1923 and only in 1942 the first 5-year Chemistry program was concluded. The events will include an exhibition honoring Marie Curie (September 21-October 20, 2017) and a series of conferences next November 15th.



The XXII Horizons in Hydrogen Bonding Research conference was organized by the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) last September 10-14, 2017. The meeteing attracted a wide range of researchers interested in theoretical and experimental aspects related to hydrogen bonding. Alberto Lesarri presented an oral talk and two posters at the conference. Two meetings in Finland this year …

In the pictures below the conference photo, one of our posters and the Helsinki Senate square.


Category : General News

The Cassini spacecraft was destroyed into Saturn atmosphere after more than 13 years orbiting the planet. A selection of 100 wonderful pictures of the mission was published by NYT. In his time in Saturn’s orbit Cassini found liquid methane-ethane lakes in Titan (1-100 km width) and  water-rich jets coming out of Enceladus south pole, among other discoveries. We will miss the robot.

Below a diagram of Titan’s atmospheric chemistry and Enceladus’ jets.


Category : Conferences

Marcos Juanes attended the XXVth Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (“Dijon Colloquiums“) organized by the University of Helsinki during August 21-25th, 2017. Marcos presented two posters: A comparison of water clusters in furfuryl mercaptan and furfuryl alcohol and a structural study of diphenyldisulfide. The first day of the conference Prof. Caminati was offered with the two special issues of Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy edited by Grabow, Lesarri and Melandri. The 2018 International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (“Prague Conferences“) will be organized next September 3-7, 2018, in Bilbao, chaired by Alberto Lesarri and Emilio Cocinero.

Pseudopelletierine in CEJ

An article on the methyl inversion and structure of the tropane alkaloid pseudopelletierine has been published in Chemistry: A European Journal. The article  includes extensive (multi-isotopologue) rotational data, together with theoretical calculations on the equilibrium structure of the molecule, in collaboration with Jean Demaison and Natalja Vogt.

In the figure below the inversion potential of the methyl group in pseudopelletierine and the pomegranate tree, where this alkaloid can be found.


Caminati Festschrift

Jens-Uwe Grabow, Alberto Lesarri and Sonia Melandri acted as Guest Editors of two special volumes of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy dedicated to honour Prof. Walther Caminati on his retirement, with the title “Spectroscopy and inter/intramolecular dynamics in honor of Walther Caminati”. Prof. Caminati is one of the most important contributors to the development of rotational spectroscopy worldwide, publishing more than 400 articles in his career, with particular attention to molecules and molecular complexes presenting large amplitude internal dynamics.

In the picture issues 335 and 337 of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy and Prof. Caminati.

Kisiel visit

Category : Group News

Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Kisiel, a leading figure in rotational spectroscopy and researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, visited the UVa in May, 8-19, 2017. Prof. Kisiel was invited by the UVa Doctoral School to give the course “Analysis of broadband rotational spectra” which was attended by several Ph.D. students, Postdocs and interested staff of the Department. Prof. Kisiel mantains the useful web site “Programs for Rotational Spectroscopy“.

A picture of Prof. Kisiel in our lab is shown below.

Fair of Science

Category : General News

The Fair of Sustainable Science was organized last May 6 by the UVa, the Scientific Park and the City of Valladolid. The Fair intends to communicate Science to the general public, and included different activities and stands of several schools, research groups and companies.

Below the ecologic motor presented by the students of the “Antonio Tovar” High School:




Sparteine in PCCP

The dimer sparteine-water has been highlighted as cover of PCCP and part of “2017 PCCP HOT Articles“. Sparteine is a tetracyclic quinolizidine alkaloid used in assymetric synthesis, with two trans and cis conformations. We investigated whether addition of a water molecule flips the molecule by formation of a double hydrogen bond to the cis diamine used in metal complexation. Kinetic reasons explain that the cluster retains the monomer trans conformation.

In the cover picture below the conversion between the observed trans isomer (above) and the alternative cis isomer (below).

Cotinine in Chemistry News

A work on the nicotinoid cotinine in collaboration with Emilio Cocinero in Bilbao has been highlighted in ChemistryViews (the electronic Chemistry magazine by Wiley and ChemPubSoc) and the Cover of Chemistry: A European Journal. The manuscript presents a rotational investigation of cotinine, where two conformations were found and compared to nicotine.

Below the note in ChemistryViews

… and the cover of CEJ: