Category Archives: General News

Faculty day

Category : General News

Alberto Lesarri gave a historical talk at the Faculty Day meeting last November 14th. Faculty staff, friends and relatives heard about the former dean Arturo Pérez Martín (1872-1936) and the Spanish Science in the 30’s. Please ask me for the presentation if interested.


A excerpt from the presentation: Erwin Schrödinger addressing the XIV Meeting of the Spanish Association for the Progress of Science (AEPC) in Santiago de Compostela (1934). His notes are on top of a cake box.


Higgs boson at home

Category : General News

Prof. Mariano Santander gave a great talk on the Higgs boson at the Faculty of Science last November 13th. The talk is freely available. I recommend a visit to Prof. Santander’s blog: A Circular View [Spanish].

File:Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg

R&D going down

Category : General News

R&D in Spain: the largest fall in a decade. Five EU countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria) spend more than 2.5% of the GNP in research effort. Spain is below 1.3%. Expert: The worst is yet to come. Minister: “I didn’t talk much about R&D …”

New academic year

Category : General News

The UVa started officially the new academic year with an interesting talk by Prof. Espinet (Inorganic Chemistry).


Letter for Science (again)

Category : General News

The year we did Literature. A new Letter for Science backed by the Spanish scientific societies, the presidents of Universities and other groups will be presented to the Ministry of Economy next June 14: “The only door left for young scientists is the door of the airport”.





Enantiomer detection

Category : General News

An article featured on Nature cover reports on detecting chiral species by MW spectroscopy.


IBER2013 Meeting

The next Iberian Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics – IBER2013 (Sept. 9-11th.) will be organized in Seville. Alberto Lesarri and José A. Fernández will be given oral talks.


Magazine of Science

Category : General News

New Journal of our Faculty: Moving Science to the public.



Letter to the Prime minister

Category : General News

A letter from 30000 spanish scientists to the Prime minister: Science in danger.
