Month: July 2015

Molecules on comet

Category : Cosmology General News

Results from a mass spectrometer on board the Philae lander revealed 16 organic molecules in the surface of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, according to a report in Science. The article is part of a special issue on the comet. The spectrum was recorded about half an hour after the first touchdown and shows four compounds never observed before on comets. Most of the organic compounds contain nitrogen, but not sulphur. The observed molecules include acetone, propionaldehyde, acetamide, glycolaldehyde and etylene glycol. Science has collected other results in his Rosetta web page. Unfortunately these initial results might be also the last since Philae does not communicate since July 9.

F1.mediumsn-BibringPhilaeIn the figure above stars can be seen above the cliff where Philae landed in comet P57.

New PCCP cover

New cover on PCCP! A work in collaboration with the Brooks H. Pate group in Virginia was featured as cover of PCCP in the July 28th issue. We show how transient chirality in the anesthetic sevoflurane is stabilized on formation of the dimer, as two different diastereoisomers (homochiral: left/left or right/right; heterochiral: left/right or right/left) are formed and distinguished by their spectral rotational signature. The structure of the dimers were fully resolved usign isotopic information, rendering information on the weak hydrogen bonds stabilizing the cluster.

PCCP cover sevo2sevo2

Pluto Flyby 2015

Category : Cosmology

The spacecraft “New Horizons” completed an impressive flyby of Pluto on July 14, following a trip that started in 2006. The probe will need 16 months to send all data back to Earth.

P_LORRI_FULLFRAME_COLOR_768000kmPluto image from the long-range camera at ca. 768000 km from the minor planet. In the animated figure below Pluto and its bigger satellite Caronte turn around forming a binary system.


B. Sc. thesis – Patricia Monge

Congratulations to Patricia Monge, who passed her B. Sc. thesis last July 10! Patri analyzed the conformational preferences of two seven-membered rings (cycloheptene and cyanocycloheptane) and got a 8.5/10 qualification. Work on these molecules will continue in the next months in collaboration with the Grabow group in Hannover.


ISMB 2015

Category : Conferences Group News

The International Symposium on Molecular Beams (ISMB-2015, June 28 – July 3) was organized this year in the World-Heritage city of Segovia (Spain), chaired by Profs. Javier Aoiz and Luis Bañares (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). The meeting brought together about 90 researchers and had special sesions to honor the figures of Profs. Piero Casavecchia (Perugia) and Mike Ashfold (Bristol). Alberto gave a talk last July 2 on “Microwave Spectroscopy of Neutral Molecular Clusters“.

ISMB2015 group compressedGroup photo of ISMB-2015.

ismb2015Segovia. The city was first cited in a History book in 79 BC.