Author Archives: albertolesarri

Faculty day

Category : General News

Alberto Lesarri gave a historical talk at the Faculty Day meeting last November 14th. Faculty staff, friends and relatives heard about the former dean Arturo Pérez Martín (1872-1936) and the Spanish Science in the 30’s. Please ask me for the presentation if interested.


A excerpt from the presentation: Erwin Schrödinger addressing the XIV Meeting of the Spanish Association for the Progress of Science (AEPC) in Santiago de Compostela (1934). His notes are on top of a cake box.


Higgs boson at home

Category : General News

Prof. Mariano Santander gave a great talk on the Higgs boson at the Faculty of Science last November 13th. The talk is freely available. I recommend a visit to Prof. Santander’s blog: A Circular View [Spanish].

File:Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg

R&D going down

Category : General News

R&D in Spain: the largest fall in a decade. Five EU countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria) spend more than 2.5% of the GNP in research effort. Spain is below 1.3%. Expert: The worst is yet to come. Minister: “I didn’t talk much about R&D …”

New academic year

Category : General News

The UVa started officially the new academic year with an interesting talk by Prof. Espinet (Inorganic Chemistry).



Category : Group News

José Andrés Fernández and Alberto Lesarri were giving talks at the meeting of the Molecular Physics Division (GEFAM) of the Spanish Chemical Society. In the picture Jose addresses his talk.



Category : Group News

The HRMS2013 meeting in Budapest is now over. Our group participated in four communications. In the picture below Montse discuss her poster with Agnes Perrin(CNRS) and Dionisio Bermejo (CSIC).


propofol hexamer

Category : New Results!

A large cluster or a reverse micelle: A work on the propofol hexamer led by José Andrés Fernández gets a cover in Angewandte Chemie.



Category : Group News

Montse Vallejo and Alberto Lesarri will be presenting two poster communications at the “High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy” meeting in Budapest next August 25-30th.


Phenol dimer and trimer

Category : New Results!

Rotational spectroscopy expands to larger molecules and clusters. A work in collaboration with the Pate group in Virginia reveals the structure of the phenol dimer and trimer, pinpointing the position of each atom of the cluster. The phenol trimer is a barrel-like symmetric top.


Columbus Symposium

Category : Group News

Our group presented seven contributions to the 68th Ohio State University Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium (MSS) in Columbus. Emilio Cocinero, Patricia Ecija and Estibaliz Mendez (Univ. Basque country) gave oral talks. Next symposium will move from Columbus to Urbana-Champaign.

Below: Iker, Estibaliz, Patricia and Emilio with Jon Hougen at the MSS
