Author Archives: albertolesarri

Pluto Flyby 2015

Category : Cosmology

The spacecraft “New Horizons” completed an impressive flyby of Pluto on July 14, following a trip that started in 2006. The probe will need 16 months to send all data back to Earth.

P_LORRI_FULLFRAME_COLOR_768000kmPluto image from the long-range camera at ca. 768000 km from the minor planet. In the animated figure below Pluto and its bigger satellite Caronte turn around forming a binary system.


B. Sc. thesis – Patricia Monge

Congratulations to Patricia Monge, who passed her B. Sc. thesis last July 10! Patri analyzed the conformational preferences of two seven-membered rings (cycloheptene and cyanocycloheptane) and got a 8.5/10 qualification. Work on these molecules will continue in the next months in collaboration with the Grabow group in Hannover.


ISMB 2015

Category : Conferences Group News

The International Symposium on Molecular Beams (ISMB-2015, June 28 – July 3) was organized this year in the World-Heritage city of Segovia (Spain), chaired by Profs. Javier Aoiz and Luis Bañares (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). The meeting brought together about 90 researchers and had special sesions to honor the figures of Profs. Piero Casavecchia (Perugia) and Mike Ashfold (Bristol). Alberto gave a talk last July 2 on “Microwave Spectroscopy of Neutral Molecular Clusters“.

ISMB2015 group compressedGroup photo of ISMB-2015.

ismb2015Segovia. The city was first cited in a History book in 79 BC.


Philae wakes up

Category : General News

The Philae space probe woke up from hybernation last June 14 and transmited for 85 seconds. The probe was sitting at the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet since November 2014, waiting for more sun on its panels. In the following months ten instruments on board Philae, including X-ray and IR spectrometers, a cromatograph and TOF  mass detector, may provide insight about the comet chemical composition and other physical properties. The video below shows the hazardous landing of the probe.

The simulation video was prepared by David Ducros for the French CNES.

New building in Hannover

Category : General News

The Institut of Physical Chemistry in Hannover, with whom who keep a lasting collaboration through Prof. Jens-Uwe Grabow, celebrated the dedication of their renovated building last June 11th. The ceremony was chaired by the President of the Leibniz-University of Hannover and included several invited guests. The Nobel laureate Sir Harry Kroto gave a brief presentation, since he designed a new wall drawing for the Institute, inspired in the diffraction pattern of a quasicrystal. Alberto was at the ceremony as part of a short visit to Hannover.


In the picture below Prof. Kroto addresses the ceremony.

Jon Hougen visit

Category : Conferences Group News

Jon Hougen, emeritus researcher at NIST-Gaithersburg,visited Spain for a conference in Madrid. He later gave a talk at the University of the Basque Country on hybrid Hamiltonians for molecules with two simmultaneous large-amplitude motions last May 4th. The picture below shows Jon after is talk.

2015-05-04 12.04.30


Chemistry Olympics

Category : Group News

The Prize Session of the last regional Chemistry Olympics was held last April 10 at the main Hall of the Faculty of Sciences, organized by the Spanish Chemists’ Association (AQCYLANQUE). Alberto gave a talk on “Molecules and Symmetry” intended for the secondary-school students who participated in the competition. The talk is freely available. In the picture below we see the three winners, together with the Faculty Dean, University Rector and organizers.


16510642564_65f8f02eec_zIn the picture: Dean Fernando Villafañe (4th left), Rector Daniel Miguel (5th) and professors Marisol Vega, Alberto Lesarri and José Martín (right side).


Category : Group News

Montse Vallejo presented an oral communication at the VII Meeting of Young Researchers in Atomic & Molecular in Physics. The event was organized by the University of Jaen (March 18-20) and is a great opportunity for young Ph.D. and postdocs to meet and share research experiences (without their bosses…). The meeting was dedicated by Dr. Alberto Garcia-Vela, president of the GEFAM, the group of Atomic and Molecular Physics of the Spanish Societies of Chemistry (RSEQ) and Physics (RSEF). The local organizers of the meeting in Jaen are shown in the picture below.



Category : Group News

Alberto Lesarri gave an invited talk at the International Conference on Frontiers of Spectroscopy (ICFS2015), organized by the Physics Department of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU, Varanasi, India). The meeting marked the 75th anniversary of the Spectroscopy Laboratory at BHU. The University was founded in 1916 and comprises 4 Institutes, 14 Faculties and more than 140 Departments. BHU ranks first in research output (Scopus, WoS) among Indian Universities.

Charla India DSC_3383

Int’l Year of Light

Category : General News

UN & UNESCO have promoted 2015 as the International Year of Light, IYL 2015. This global initiative will highlight “the importance of light and optical technologies for people’s lives, futures, and development of society”. A committee of the Spanish Optical Society (SEDOPTICA) will organize different activities around the year from the web “Año de la luz 2015“.

Year of light BlockLogo
