Category Archives: General News

Caminati Festschrift

Jens-Uwe Grabow, Alberto Lesarri and Sonia Melandri acted as Guest Editors of two special volumes of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy dedicated to honour Prof. Walther Caminati on his retirement, with the title “Spectroscopy and inter/intramolecular dynamics in honor of Walther Caminati”. Prof. Caminati is one of the most important contributors to the development of rotational spectroscopy worldwide, publishing more than 400 articles in his career, with particular attention to molecules and molecular complexes presenting large amplitude internal dynamics.

In the picture issues 335 and 337 of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy and Prof. Caminati.

Fair of Science

Category : General News

The Fair of Sustainable Science was organized last May 6 by the UVa, the Scientific Park and the City of Valladolid. The Fair intends to communicate Science to the general public, and included different activities and stands of several schools, research groups and companies.

Below the ecologic motor presented by the students of the “Antonio Tovar” High School:




March for Science

Category : General News

The federation of Spanish scientific societies (COSCE) is promoting the “Manifest for Science 2017“, asking for  a coherent and permanent impulse to Science in Spain. The document can be signed on-line. This initiative is coincident with the global “March for Science” organized worldwide last April, 22, and near simultaneous with the discussion of the Spanish national budget, where scientific funding will decrease (again) by ca. 2.64% in 2017 according to COSCE. The funding cuts in Science accumulate more than 30% in recent years. Choose your option: 1) There is no future for Science in Spain; 2) We are so smart that we can work without budget. 3) No problem because we have very good football teams.

You can see below a picture of our lab taken from a satellite:

And a picture of Madrid’s “March for Science”:

Expansion expanding

Category : General News

The expansion rate of the Universe seems to be 5-9% faster than expected, according to new data from the space telescope Hubble which give an improved value of the Hubble constant. The report is published in Astrophysical Journal. However, this new value is in conflict with measurements of the microwave background radiation using the NASA Wilkinson MW probe and ESA Planck satellite. There are no explanations yet. According to leading scientist Adam Reiss “This surprising finding may be an important clue to understanding those mysterious parts of the Universe that make up 95 percent of everything and don’t emit light, such as dark energy, dark matter, and dark radiation”. I cannot avoid thinking that this looks like the ether hypothesis in the XIX century …

inflationary universe

Gravitational waves

Category : Cosmology General News

Einstein would be happy: Researchers at LIGO announced the detection of gravitational waves. Simulations indicate that the signal is originated by the merging of two black holes which collided 1.3 billion light-years away. The LIGO experiment is made of two facilities separated 3002 km. Each site has two L-shaped ultra-high-vacuum arms, 4 km long on each side, containing several interferometers. Distortions in the space-time caused by a gravitational wave produce an astonishing small -yet detectable- signal equivalent to 1 part in 10²¹. Watch the videos from or download a ring tone for your cell phone! This does not happen everyday.

Encounter on Physics

The Faculty of Sciences hosted a new “Encounter on Frontiers of Physics” last December 2-3, 2015, organized by the “Duques de Soria” Foundation, together with the Universities of Valladolid (UVa) and Salamanca (USal). The meeting included seven conferences by different specialists on relativity, neutrinos, magnetism, graphene, Raman spectroscopy and others. José Cernicharo (ICMM – CSIC, Madrid) talked on “Astrochemistry: Chemical complexity in the space”.


In the picture above Pepe Cernicharo addresses the audience in his talk.


RSEQ talk

Category : General News

Prof. Miguel A. Sierra (UCM, Madrid), General Editor of Anales de Química (the Journal of the Spanish Chemical Society), gave a lecture to the UVa Chemistry students last October 23. The talk was titled “Chemistry: An impure Science?” and discussed on the relevance and double use of chemical tools. Prof. Silverio Coco, local President of the RSEQ, presented the local section to the students and explained some of their activities.

charla rseq octubre 2015

Neutrino mass

Category : General News

Particle Physics made a hit again. The Nobel prize of Physics was awarded to researchers working in neutrino oscillation. The experiments showing conversion between different types of neutrinos prove that they must have some mass (unlike the initial assumption of the Standard Model). The Swedish Academy called it “Metamorphosis in the particle world“. The Chemistry prize was (again) Biochemistry, and focused in DNA repair.

SuperkamiokandeThe ultra-pure water pool used in theSuper-Kamiokande neutrino detection experiment in Japan may have nice recreational possibilities (credits).

Molecules on comet

Category : Cosmology General News

Results from a mass spectrometer on board the Philae lander revealed 16 organic molecules in the surface of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, according to a report in Science. The article is part of a special issue on the comet. The spectrum was recorded about half an hour after the first touchdown and shows four compounds never observed before on comets. Most of the organic compounds contain nitrogen, but not sulphur. The observed molecules include acetone, propionaldehyde, acetamide, glycolaldehyde and etylene glycol. Science has collected other results in his Rosetta web page. Unfortunately these initial results might be also the last since Philae does not communicate since July 9.

F1.mediumsn-BibringPhilaeIn the figure above stars can be seen above the cliff where Philae landed in comet P57.

Philae wakes up

Category : General News

The Philae space probe woke up from hybernation last June 14 and transmited for 85 seconds. The probe was sitting at the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet since November 2014, waiting for more sun on its panels. In the following months ten instruments on board Philae, including X-ray and IR spectrometers, a cromatograph and TOF  mass detector, may provide insight about the comet chemical composition and other physical properties. The video below shows the hazardous landing of the probe.

The simulation video was prepared by David Ducros for the French CNES.